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2021-03-24 16:13:08

产品说明 Product description

通常工业性粉尘浓度达到一定程度 ( 即爆炸极限 ) 时,如调静电放电火花或处界点火等因素时,则极易导致爆炸和火灾。同时在除 尘器运行中的空气粉尘含有较多水份和油性、吸湿性和易溶解性粉尘,在粉尘表面出现清灰困难,而该针刺毡结合了防水和抗静 电两种针刺毡的优点与普通滤料相比,不仅具有防油防湿特性,而且具有防静电的效果。

Usually industrial dust concentration reaches a certain level (that is, the explosion limit), such as the case of electrostatic discharge sparks or other factors such as the ignition point, it is very easy to cause explosion and fire. At the same time in the operation of the dust collector dust in the air contains more moisture and oily, hygroscopicity and easy dissolution of dust, the dust appears on the surface of the clear and difficult ash, and the needle felt combines the advantages of waterproof and anti electrostatic needle felt and ordinary filter compared, not only has oil proof and damp proof characteristics, but also has anti- static effect.

技术参数 Technical parameter

    名 称 Name

    三防涤纶针刺毡 Three needle felt

    材质 Raw material

    涤纶纤维 / 涤纶导电基布 Polyester fiber / polyester conductive fabric

    克重 Weight    450 - 600g/㎡
    透气性 Air permeability    200 - 300L/㎡ ·s@200Pa
    径向拉力 Radial pull    800 - 1200N/5x20cm
    纬向拉力 Weft Tensile Strength    1000 - 1600N/5x20cm
    径向伸长 Radial elongation    <35%
    纬向伸长 Weft elongation    <55%
    电阻表面 Resistance Surface     4.8
    YX10 体积 YX1O Volume    8.7
    摩擦电位 最 大值 Frictional potential Maximum value


    V 平均值 V Mean value    183
    面电核密度 me/㎡    3.4
    使用温度 Use temperature    ≤ 130° C
    过滤风速 Filtration velocity    1.0-1.2m/min
    后处理方式 Post processing method    烧毛、压光、热定型、拒水防油 Singeing, calendering, heat setting, waterproof and oil proof

